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Physician vs. Autonomous Nurse Practitioner

We are often asked what services the Nurse Practitioners at The Rizzi Group can offer and if those services are the same as a physician. Below is a side-by-side comparison.

Doctor Checking a Form


  • Graduate Degree

  • Extensive Hours of Experience

  • Diagnoses & Treats Medical Problems

  • Prescribes Medicine

  • Order Testing

  • Analyzes Test Results

  • Order Home Health

  • Sign DNR Forms

  • Sign Parking Permits

  • Sign Insurance Forms

  • Order a Baker Act


  • Graduate Degree

  • Extensive Hours of Experience

  • Diagnoses & Treats Medical Problems

  • Prescribes Medicine

  • Order Testing

  • Analyzes Test Results

  • Order Home Health

  • Sign DNR Forms

  • Sign Parking Permits

  • Sign Insurance Forms

  • Order a Baker Act

64B9-4.021 Standards for Autonomous Practice.

Advanced practice registered nurses who are registered pursuant to Section 464.0123, F.S., shall engage in autonomous practice only in a manner that meets the General Standard of Practice. The General Standard of Practice shall be that standard of practice, care, skill, and treatment which, in light of all relevant surrounding circumstances, is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent similarly situated, educated, and licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurses.

Rulemaking Authority 464.0123 FS. Law Implemented 464.0123 FS. History–New 10-26-21.

Update on Rule 64B9-4.001, FAC – Definitions – Primary Care Practice; and Proposed Standards of Practice rule

The Board’s definition of “primary care practice” is now in effect (as of February 25, 2021).

(12) Primary care practice – includes physical and mental health promotion, assessment, evaluation, disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, inclusive of behavioral and mental health conditions.

[This definition would be read in conjunction with Section 464.0123(3), Florida Statutes.]

The Board’s proposed definition of “standards of practice” is the subject of correspondence from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee and will be further discussed during the April 9, 2021, Board meeting.

Both of these items relate to the implementation of the 2020 APRN autonomous practice legislation.

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